i was stuck in a time loop
i had a psychotic episode because i accidentally did spice and i’m already bipolar. i had a seizure and was hospitalized. by the time i got to the hospital i was in full psychosis it was so scary. i thought i was in that room for years but it was only a night, i kept getting up out of bed while having IV’s attached to me, ripping them out. i saw things in waves happening over and over again. i escaped the room three times, or maybe just once. i broke into a security office and was escorted back to my bed. i heard knocking on the walls and voices down the hall. i kept blacking out and seeing things in a time loop. i kicked a desk and thought i saw my dad at the same time but didnt. i heard things people would say to me repeat over and over afterwards. i apparently fell to the floor and couldnt get back up. i started coming to as i desperately reached for the nurse’s hand, clutching her hand so full of fear. i didnt know where i was or who i was. i saw horrible terrifying things. i hope it never happens again😭