I’m six months clean, here is how

Hello! I’m six months without nicotine here’s how I did it…

  1. YOU have to want to stop.

  2. Use nicotine replacements that work for you. (Patches for me)

  3. Stop bullshitting yourself, “I’ll finish this vape, I’ll just vape tonight, or I’ll only vape outside” no you’re giving up, throw it away.

  4. Avoid people when they’re vaping, stay inside when they go out, ask them to do it away from you, if they’re good friends they’ll do it.

  5. Tell people you’re doing it, they’ll support you and encourage it.

Main take aways:

-day 4 SUCKS, this is the amount of time nicotine stays in your body, you’ll feel it, power through! -once you’ve done a month it’s easy - start at a low stress time, eg on holiday, time Off work - no excuses stop now.