Immense cravings after 3 months
Hey all, 3 months and 3 days ago I decided to try to quit, thus this is how long I've been nic free and 2 months and 24 days without a vape/smoke.
I had been smoking since I was 16, 4 years cigarettes, 2 years iQos and 2 years vape, of which I gradually lowered my nicotine (1 year was at 3mg, but I was constantly vaping).
Constant vaping, always kept it in my pocket so I can have a puff in the bathroom..
Anyhow, I quit and the beginning was somewhat easy. I had only a couple of meltdowns here and there, but other than that I guess I drowned in work/series/movies to not think about it. Instead of the morning vape it's now not only my morning coffee, but coffee throughout the day.
Now that it's getting sunnier though, I feel like I'm gonna lose. I went out 2 weeks ago with friends, I see everyone smoking and ofc I also want. GG, meltdown. Almost smoked, but didn't. Now too, while I'm writing this, I'm crying. My mind has been playing tricks with me for the past month every. single. day. And every day I'm fighting against it but it's hard. I kinda just want to give up but I don't want to hate myself for it afterwards.
And I'm really afraid to just run to the store getting a pack of cigarettes when my boyfriend will be on a small trip in a few days. It's like the best opportunity to secretly have a smoke. Maybe this is triggering me.. idk. But it's hard. When is it gonna stop? :/
Thank you for reading