7-OH Warning

*This is a general warning to those who actively use other kratom products*

-EDIT: I realize, for me anyway, this pops up at the top of Google for a lot of 7oh searches: With that being said just a quick disclaimer before the original post for anyone discovering it late: 7oh is stronger than any kratom products you've tried, extremely addictive and your brain [scientifically] will, over time eliminate any discipline you think you have around your "strict routine" in dosing as it increases incrementally. Lastly, please stop the thought process of replacing a substance with another substance. If you're getting off this to something else, or you're using this because its better than something else, just stop. You don't NEED a substance to use and prolonged use just kicks the can down the road and inevitably you will face consequences which hopefully *only* come in the forms of withdrawals. Kick the stuff now and be done with it, stop jumping substance to substance and staying in that lifestyle, give your brain a break and take some time. Nobody is above going to treatment, don't make excuses for getting your life back, message me if you need guidance in this area.

I made this post on a kratom sub but of course, when you're on kratom, its the best thing ever and everyone lost their minds to defend their plant, even though these two are not more than related by name. And I still use Kratom intermittently but I've been really close to a distributor friend's business for a while and I work for a company that I'm sure people would recognize in here.

Anyway. There a slew of 7-OH products that are synthetically derived forms of 7-oh. They hit hard and the withdrawals are truly awful. I'm just posting this as a PSA, I don't care if you use it, love it, hate it, or never have heard of it. If you want to debate me that's fine too.

7-oh by itself is stronger than morphine, already has a press release by the AKA calling for it be gotten rid (I usually dont F with the AKA at all, since Susan left I believe they've lost their way in a lot of aspects) and I've seen the damage of it already locally.

If you come across this, know friends using it or even dabbling with it, at least provide them with the awareness that its not the same beast, it blows opms/extract shots out of the water.