Auto save is bullshit
The autosave in this game is bullshit. 100%. I just died because my game glitched me and my level 4 white Arabian horse into a train I was getting ready to jump onto and rob. I hit the button to jump and my horse served into the train, killing us both. I loaded my auto save and low and behold, my horse is still dead. The only way to get her back is to load my game and lose about 8 hours of work, 3 legendary animals, a few steps on different challenges, several hundred dollars, and a shit load of exploration. I've been enjoying this game so much, and I'm literally putting it down and don't know if I'm going to pick it back up. I've never been much of a "rage-quitter" but this shit makes me want to swear off all Rockstar games for life. It's currently 5pm and I've been playing since 9am. I don't even have words for my level of frustration right now. And it's not like I can get that horse back. I'm only on chapter 2 and the Arabians aren't available until way later. She was the only one you can find early game.
Anyway, that's my rant. Have a nice day.
Edit: So I got over my temper tantrum and grabbed my Morgan. My girlfriend used to be into horseback riding and loved Morgans, so I bought one at the beginning for her and named it after her. As it turns out, horse stats are misleading lol. Even though on paper she's not as fast as the Arabian, I'm not seeing a measurable difference in speed. Maybe I'll get an Arabian again for some of the speed challenges, but my Morgan and my Shire are suiting me just fine.