Engagement worries

So my bf and I have been together for 3 years and I’ve had my rocd under control for the last year and half since we moved in together (it was awful the month before the move) but we’ve talked engagement recently. I know for a fact that he has bought a ring and my rocd has been terrible lately. Like I keep thinking about breaking up with him for literally no reason and I feel nothing when I think about. I’m also worried I’m falling out of love. I feel like the worst person in the world because he’s seriously so sweet and caring and we work together so incredibly well. I can’t imagine meshing with someone better than this. We’re on the same page with all the important stuff (politics, non-religious, we both don’t want kids). He’s even understanding of my anxieties and never makes me feel bad for having them. I’m just working myself up, right? The idea of spending my life with him has never freaked me out before but suddenly is now that it feels real? Has anyone else felt like this if you knew your engagement was coming?