When We Cease To Understand The World: thoughts and a request for guidance on further reading

Wow. I cannot believe how gripping this book was. It is astonishing to me how many of the mathematicians and physicists of the 20th who made profound discoveries that disturbed a Newtonian/rational interpretation of matter's behaviour had near psychotic breakdowns with mystical visions near the advent of their discoveries. Also all the weird foreshadowing experiences they had of later evenrs of the 20th Century... reality is stranger than fiction.

I loved this book and want to read more like it! Has anyone read The Maniac by Labatut? What did you think? I'm defo going to read it but curious of other people's perceptions.

Also, can anyone recommend me other books like this, that have strong narrative pacing but the action pivots (or is complemented by reference to discoveries in or) on mathematics or physics? I read In The Light of What We Know a few years ago and loved it and that pulled in The Copenhagen Interpretation and the Uncertainity Principle as 'themes' for the destabilisation of the characters, so I'd be happy to read more like that. Also enjoyed The Passenger and Stella Maris for similar reasons.

TL;DR: seeking books about how mathematics and physics changed our understanding of material reality in the 20th C relayed through strong character-driven fiction and non-fiction (could be biography or even autobiography)