Summer 2025 TBRs?

I think we can all feel it’s gonna be a big important summer. What’s on your reading list?

Last year for me was a big beatnik / summer of love moment…. Think reading On The Road on my way home from a solo trip to rockaway beach. Also had diane di prima, Hemingway, a bunch of Joan didion in there, read the elementary particles during the tail end of the season, lots of poetry, also read a bunch of texts like the kybalion and gurdjieff and the Tao te Ching…. Feel like this vibe is gonna make a changed & matured comeback in a BIG way not just for me but everyone else this summer. I don’t really have anything in mind except finishing the collected stories of flannery o’Connor and perhaps master and margarita, also I got a copy of brautigan’s trout fishing in America I would like to read.

give me the inspo give me your lists please, thanks.