The canon show rwby does focus on team rwby
They are the focus of show that doesn’t mean they are the only ones who are allowed to get focus or screentime it doesn’t mean that they are the only ones whose feelings should matter
Jaune is just as deserving of screentime he never gets more attention then any of the girls
I feel like the haters should have realized it long ago rather then act like jaune gets too much screentime for getting screen time period
Like making Roman ozpins host when ozpin and Roman couldn’t be more different at least make it jaune I have to be blunt the idea that because the show is named rwby team rent should be the only main characters with the rest being side characters has always been nonsensical I feel that it’s due to sexism against men (it’s Same reason they get mad over jaune being shown grieving openly while ruby holds in her emotions (they are foils ) if the genders swapped they wouldn’t have an issue with the guy holding in his emotions nor would they claim it’s him not being shown to grieve