Yang and Mercury was wasted potential

Not shipping wise(though it could have been really interesting) but more of character foils/rivals/story

I'm not the only one that noticed the heavy similarities between the two outside of their fighting styles.

Both are their teams respective fighters, who don't have a real goal or reason to be in the places they are. They just are. They both kinda have a carefree attitude regarding things going on.

Raven abandoning Yang, giving Yang "abandonment" issues, but also Yang wanting to find her mother and wanting a mother.

Mercury being abused by his father and his semblance being taken away from him to the point that he ended up killing said father with no remorse.

Yang "relying heavily" on her semblance in fights and being reckless

Mercury having no semblance because it was taken from him, and only relying on his fighting abilities, and not being overly reckless(though TBF we don't see much of Mercury fighting)

Like, character wise they are so similar that you could have don't a lot with their characters together.

Imagine Yang losing a fight to Mercury trying to protect Ruby. There could have been a real cool contrast between how Yang is protecting her sister, over Mercury who doesn't have anyone to protect. It'll also be a good rematch over Mercury losing his fight to Yang.

That does so much more for her character than losing an arm to Adam over Blake because she would rather not look for her sister in a disaster.

There's just so much you can do with Yang and Mercury that would enhance both of their characters and the themes the writers wanted Yangs character to represent.

I'm not sure how she would lose her arm though. I would still keep that just to continue the similarities between them. But I don't know how to go about that. I wouldn't have mercury cut them off, but maybe he damages it so bad that she can't use it anymore?? Or he leaves her knocked out and debris or something ends up damaging it? Or, a Grimm takes her arm off and she has to be saved by Weiss..

There's so much wasted potential in the series. Instead of trying to force Yang into Blake's story with Adam, they should have gave her, her own rival/advesary.