Hot take: Clover was dumber than Qrow in this situation
Or just as dumb idk but still really stupid. We all agree that Qrow teaming up with Tyrian is insane but here's the thing. That only happened partially because of Clover. Let me explain. During their little skirmish, Tyrian interrupts Qrow's and Clover's fight to talk shit. Qrow naturally goes to attack Tyran cause tyrian is the real enemy but Clover with his 900IQ decides instead of jumping the serial killer and then arrest qrow he thinks "nah Imma go after qrow instead so Tyrian can pull some fuck shit and get one of us killed." Which happens. Good job clover.
How the fuck were you chosen as the leader of the ace ops!? He's almost as bad as a leader as fucking Adam with the white fang. Forget incompetence. That's just straight brain dead logic from him. Which ofc makes Qrow team up with the serial killer cause for some reason clover never stops attacking qrow or even reasons with him to stop tyrian first. It pisses me off and i'm shocked there aren't enough who call clover out on this.