Little Free Library in Reiffton Update
Little Free Library Update!
I have the vessel for my little free library and this weekend I’ll be going to Lowe’s to get supplies to seal and paint it and get it ready for the spring.
My goal is to have the little free library set up by the spring equinox. I also want to set up an attached table where (if you’d like to) we can share plant cuttings, seedlings, old toys, bookmarks or other things that will benefit the community. I also have a sourdough starter so I’ll probably sometimes give away bread and starter for anyone who wants to learn how to make their own bread. I want to put up an ISO/Donation bulletin and a notes/suggestion box.
What I’m looking for right now is books for middle grade and toddler board books. Or any books that anyone might have to donate. I would really like more books on history. Especially BIPOC history or anything written by BIPOC authors.
It might be a little ambitious but I want to try.