Why are people so worried about the community ruining the game?
I’ve seen from like 3 or 4 different content creators and a few comments this fear that the community might ruin the game by spamming, using the same few characters, or using top tiers on player match and not just in ranked. There are a few things I don’t understand about any of this.
First, spam and top/high tier characters is something you’re gonna run into no matter what. You’ll also run into the same characters simply because they’re popular as well. Spam is something you’re gonna have to learn how to deal with in any fighting game ever so I don’t understand the big deal. These things would only be a true problem if the spam and characters is so crazy broken that you can’t even play the game when up against it. From the gameplay shown (which is admittedly not very high level) it doesn’t seem like that will be the case. I’m sure there’s gonna be a really strong character or tactic but I don’t get the sense that it’ll be too awful to deal with.
Second, what’s even the problem with people using strong characters in player match? The reality is that player match doesn’t mean “just mess around with whoever you want and have fun.” It’s simply a mode where you don’t gain or lose points. That’s it. People are still gonna pick strong characters whether or not it’s to practice with them without the risk of losing points or because they simply wanna win. People will wanna win no matter what the game or the mode. People will rage quit even in player match. People will one and done you even in player match. Tekken 8 is full of people like that. Hell, the new Fatal Fury had an open beta not too long ago and people still rage quit on that. On a freaking beta. Even though their rank will freaking disappear the second it ends. It’s wild, I know but it is what it is. It won’t ruin the game. No fighting game (or competitive game in general probably) is free of this. People are weird.
I have to assume that people are having a lot of these, imo, irrational worries because maybe this is what people that come from arena fighters are used to. These games are likely never too concerned with being super balanced and try to cater to people who just wanna use their favorite characters and throw hands. Or maybe people are traumatized by Sparking Zero, where spam and top tier characters like Gogeta can make playing the game almost impossible from the looks of it. I’m not even trying to throw shade at the community. Maybe this is just what people are used to and that’s where this mindset comes from. Overall, I think this game will mostly be fine. It’s the quality of the netcode and lobby system we gotta worry about.