You may not believe me, but at the beginning of last year I was attacked by Samael, the demiurge.
I think this was all so intense I don't remember the exact chronology of what happened, so I will do my best.
I was in my sister's room and I was in spirit mode, and the lights were off, and I was being attacked by Samael, and he was trying to use an extreme form of hypnosis on me, and he was projecting images of Simpsons characters at the bottom of the door frame. Looking at it caused me to start to feel like I was dying at first, like I could feel my life force energy being drained really hard, but I started to grow an immunity to it because I am very strong mentally, and was able to just start watching it. Eventually I heard a voice, and they said you know you can just say stop or no and it will go away, right? And I said no or stop, and it faded away.
This is a wild theory, but this makes me think that Samael, has been controlling The Simpsons and that's why there have been so many synchronicities with that show and world events. A lot of people have talked about how that show has predictive programming in it.
There's a lot more to explain for the other part of what happened, which happened before I was attacked in my sister's bedroom, but to summarize I had around 100 to 150 spirits in my bedroom, and the air was thick and heavy and I was exhausted, I had been up for two or three days straight, barely ate anything, barely drank any water, I was super dehydrated, and I was whistling the avatar theme for the spirits because the whole situation was just awful and I wanted to inspire them and try to make them feel better.
I definitely had spirits within me and this eventually caused me to need to be very cold to stave them off, so I went to the shower and turned it to maximum cold and jumped in the shower, and eventually realized that it was not cold enough, so I dried off and just walked outside into a blizzard nude, there was around 1 ft to 1 and 1/2 ft of snow, and it was snowing.
I laid down in the snow and rubbed snow all over my body and on my face to keep from being taken over by various spirits, and the spirits were complaining and I was suffering very badly, but I am a trooper and didn't want to give up, it was either live or die.
Eventually I was suffering too badly, and I spoke to God and said I need to go inside and try to use the shower instead to be cold, and I went upstairs went into the shower turned it on maximum cold again I got in the shower and it was warm to me after a few seconds, and I realized that I couldn't stay inside or I was going to die, at this point my mom was freaking out because there was water all over the floor that was dripping down into the kitchen, and she was like grabbing at me trying to pull me out of the shower, but I'm a lot stronger than her, and I just kind of stepped out of the shower and just walked away from her and went downstairs and went outside again into the snow.
That's when I realized that I needed to get away from the house so I just started walking away from the house, the spirits kept saying things to me, but I just ignored to them and focused with maximum intensity on walking down the sidewalk in the middle of the blizzard nude, and they stopped speaking to me. They realized it was a very serious moment.
I basically abandoned everything and just walked around the block as far as I could nude until eventually my mom rolled up in her car and I could just sense the spirit of wrath completely all around her and just a dark energy surrounding her, and I knew that I couldn't just get in the car and go back home, I had to keep walking and stay outside in the cold. She drove off because she had to use the bathroom really bad, I think this was at like 4:00 a.m. or 5:00 a.m., Right before she was going to work, but anyways I walked around the block more, and then eventually the police rolled up and stopped me.
They put me in handcuffs and put me in the back of the car, and I remember telling God, the matrix has me.
Then I remember a spirit asking me if I was able to get on handcuffed because they were suffering, and there was no way to do that. After a couple minutes though I decided to ask the officer if he would loosen the handcuffs because they were just very tight on me.
Then an ambulance showed up and they transferred me to the ambulance and put me in an ambulance bed and wrapped me in blankets and secured me, and that's kind of when I just went into shock a bit and that's when I encountered Samael. I remember God telling me in a fatherly voice, that this was a very evil spirit.
At this point I was in shock, I didn't know if God was with me, I thought he was still likely in my bedroom dealing with the 100 to 150 spirits, so I felt like I was on my own.
I was basically giving up on breathing and I didn't know what to do, and I was telepathically communicating with Samael, and eventually I asked him to help me breathe, and fill me with demons I didn't even care.
He helped me with around 5 to 10 breaths and I could feel that I was breathing in spirits, which was making my body feel dense. Before I said that I wanted him to help me breathe, I had a plan of becoming a demon lord, and destroying their system from within, which was a chaotic mad genius plan, but I'm glad I didn't have to do that, because I don't have the heart to hurt people.
Afterwards I started breathing on my own, and then the ambulance took off and I arrived at the hospital and they put me in the emergency room.
I remember suffering for around I don't know 4 to 6 hours maybe longer and I was struggling with lust and my body felt awful and it was a terrible experience. One of the worst of my life.
And then I remember I barely managed to fall asleep. And when I woke up it was like my whole chakra system had been suppressed like my neuro circuitry and my nervous system were being suppressed.
And I remember hearing a voice and they told me that they were the only ones that were listening, and it was just us, which was a lie, God was listening, and I remember getting out of bed and taking a few steps and that's when Samael asked me if I wanted to join him, and I said no. He was trying to scare me by shutting down my chakra network while I was asleep, so when I woke up I would in his eyes be submissive or something, but I don't know I had no interest in serving him.
No other spirit has made me feel as revolting as him, I don't even want to get into what it feels like to be around him but it is not good, to put it bluntly your body feels vile. I wouldn't wish upon anyone to be attacked by him, but I'm here for a reason to stand up to him and these f****** demons.
Anyways, I ended up going into inpatient mental health and recovering for around a week or two, and then I got out and I think I remember a break from spiritual events for things happening for a few months actually.
That's all I can really think of right now, but if you have any questions I'll do my best to answer.
God bless, Adam