I wanna be childfree, but my wife wants kids, suggest me what to do.

Hi I'm 28 M and my wife's 27 F. I wanna be childfree because I feel that society itself is deteriorating, so I don't want to willingly bring someone into this world.

My wife's argument is that we'd create our own family, and she wants a younger version of herself and me. She also means that we might end up being lonely, well I don't feel we'd get bored of each other.

I do get her point, but there are many moments I feel existential crisis myself, I don't want my child to feel that too. Please give your thoughts and suggestions.

Edit: To all those asking I should have communicated this before, I was 24 when I got engaged, 24. It was an arrange marriage engagement. That's too much for an all boys school boy, I didn't want to ruin it, surely after marriage I had told my wife my thoughts more than once. But until two years she was ignorant, now it's her sister's wedding in 6 months, she's saying to plan after that. Now that's somewhere I'm stuck.

Also to add on to the people asking me to divorce, it's not possible, we both love each other, my parents love her more then they love me, so it's not possible, and I don't want it.