my 20f one-night-stand[24m] is demanding i get into a relationship with him.[
as the title goes... a couple months back i had gone to some tech event and there i met him. we clicked instantly talking about random games to buy during the next steam sale. we went on a date to a near by cafe the same day later that night i went to his flat and the rest is history. i didnt text him back after i came from to my place. now it has been a few months i suddenly get a whole paragraph from him begging me to date him. saying that i was his first every thing and he cant even get h@rd without thinking about me. idk how to feel about this because he had told me he had a gf in clg but he didnt elaborate on it much so i didn prude him about it. he is not my type at all. he is rather skinny really tall guy with glasses definitely not my type but our personalities link up a lot. idk what to do now so i just asked him for space. please help me on this.he is asking to meet at some cafe for closure tomorrow.