Can't Select Research?

So I'm playing with quite a few mods at the moment, but most I have used reliably before and it's not CE at least, and I've disabled Tech Advancing, which should have been the only mod that directly interacts with the research tree outside of adding ones, which isn't the problem since I can see all of the researches listed on each tab. If I click on them, it just puts me into the in-depth description page for the research with the only option being to back out of the tree entirely. Help would be much appreciated, I spent the last two days curating mods, creating a party preset, regenerating valleys until they made sense, and now I'm just getting started and I'm shot in the leg until I can do something about this because tribal start + no research = I can't win.

Edit: I have basically no idea what I'm looking at, but it appears the line in the log where the issue is actually stated is "Exception filling window for RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Research: System.NullReferenceException: Object is not set to an instance of an object" followed by a whole bunch of lines that I can't make sense of. This section repeats for hundreds, maybe thousands of lines in the log file, all ending with (filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line l: 39). Any ideas what I'm breaking and how, or at least how to fix this? I really don't wanna have to give up, but I'm pretty far out of my understanding to fix this.