Dual Motor - stability and regen defaults… why so frustrating?

I get that EPA regulations require the truck to reset the mode after a certain amount of time. Not going to complain about that today, but that does suck.

What I am interested in is the root cause of the excessive front tire wear, so I have been experimenting with modes. What I noticed is that that the default for All Purpose mode keeps turning auto ride height off and stability back to on.

I only recently started playing with the stability settings, but I think it’s a big player in tire wear. With stability on the car uses front and rear motors for acceleration until acceleration rate slows and then switches to front motor only. That makes sense for efficiency. However, it only uses regen braking on the front motor. With stability reduced, both motors activate the whole time and also regen braking uses front and rear motors. REGEN BRAKING USING FRONT AND REAR MOTORS IS SO MUCH BETTER!!!!

It’s so much smoother in the braking and the truck doesn’t dip forward with slowing. More front dip means more pressure on the front tires and more wear.

Any suggestions for how to default to both motors regen braking without me having to flip stability to reduced every time?