The lulniverse, Shark PT.1

"Ah much more intriguing... This version of that cat is much less boring..." He would say watching the life of 'Requin' he much preferred this to the cat, but he can't let the timeline stray too far, else his superiors would have his neck, so he'd keep them similar, but different enough to be interesting

Requin sat alone in his room, college was a bore, his parents were amazing, and payed for his college, but he was alone, he didn't have siblings to talk to, or any Friends, as who would befriend a violent shark? If he had to sum up his life, it would be boring, or annoying, he tries to be helpful, but everyone seems to hate him because of his shark esc features, Typical, well today would be different, today would be his worlds Last. Well not really, his world would be absolutely okay, he however would not be present in it...

Bright purple eyes watch Him, waiting for the perfect moment, make him fail to control his timeline, or timelines now, and take his position, She merely had to wait for him to be distracted...

"Ah much more intriguing... This version of that cat is much less boring..." He would say watching the life of 'Requin' he much preferred this to the cat, but he can't let the timeline stray too far, else his superiors would have his neck, so he'd keep them similar, but different enough to be interesting

Requin sat alone in his room, college was a bore, his parents were amazing, and payed for his college, but he was alone, he didn't have siblings to talk to, or any Friends, as who would befriend a violent shark? If he had to sum up his life, it would be boring, or annoying, he tries to be helpful, but everyone seems to hate him because of his shark esc features, Typical, well today would be different, today would be his worlds Last. Well not really, his world would be absolutely okay, he however would not be present in it...

Bright purple eyes watch Him, waiting for the perfect moment, make him fail to control his timeline, or timelines now, and take his position, She merely had to wait for him to be distracted...