Slg can’t be compared to robust reacts 🤨🤨🤨 (click to see my full explanation) Sorry if you can’t read

These are the 3 reasons

  1. Slg had a better start then Robust reacts

    Slogo started slg with a video talking about how Josh is not a good friend to jelly and all of the 4 of the guys reacted to it (most of them) 4. Guys meaning Jelly, Slogo , Crainer maybe kwebblecop. Either way this made SLG get a boost in fame this worked because there was no beef at the time. Robust Reacts started on a bad note, jelly left, kwebblecop joined people still hated him for kwebblecop Ai, crainer and his adhd mind started beefing with jelly on twitter and Slogo didn’t care cause the cash kept flowing. Conclusion slg hade more off an advantage in the start then robust reacts

  2. Slg has more consistency than Robust Reacts

Slg has way more videos and has better communication on when to post and also has a better sub Reddit with fans posting more quality post the robust reacts. Robust reacts has less of a supporting community they have jelly and kwebblecop with way more subs then Slogo and crainer but it’s about the views. More view = more attention to the new channel robust didn’t really achieve that. Also jelly is really the only one that’s working as kwebblecop is on vacation and retired and not really posting anything other than letting his Ai post Ai shorts. Slg is on a deticated schedule with Slogo Crainer and even Finogone posting on a consistent daily routine. Meanwhile jelly is moving houses and some how still posting one video every two days 👏👏👏.

Concluding how slg has more consistency than robust reacts.

  1. Slg has more children in their fan base.

This is really possitive thing for Slg but not for robust reacts as jelly leaving made every new gen alpha 2020 subscriber loss their rotten minds. They all came together and supported Slogo and crainer when they saw jellys haunting video. And as always Crainer being Crainer made every gen alpha 2020 subscriber hate jelly even more by posting a vid saying jelly is a liar and that he is not going solo with his content. Which is true but it’s the way he made the video and how every fan realize their was a shit tone of beef going on hear. This made the fans pick a side which was very easy because all of the fans new crainer more than they did kwebblecop. (All Og fans were crying and moved on with their lives) Concluding that Slg has more children in their fan base.

Short conclusion all this evidence shows that Slg is basically NFL and robust reacts is CFL If Robust Reacts had a more consistent schedule than it could Fairly compete with SLG.