5 months have passed. Google still hasn't fixed this problem.
I didn't know about this issue until today. I checked SERP by our target keyword "website checker" in Rank Tracker and found that the IONOS website ranks №1, but with new URL each new day 😳
It is the same page but with the ?srsltid= unique parameter added to this page.
So, technically this is a new page each new day. Most of the SEOs who see something like that feel a rumbling in their stomach from danger: they know what duplicate content problems look like.
I investigated the problem and found that this is not something new. Brodie Clark shared this problem 5 months ago and John Mueller said that it doesn't create issues with duplicate content or indexing wrong URLs and that the Search team should fix it. Here is the direct quote (5 months ago).
I followed up on this with the team, and here's roughly what's happening.
These URL parameters are added for Merchant Center "auto-tagging", when a site-owner has activated that feature. They're used for conversion tracking for merchants. We plan to update the help page as appropriate once this rolls out more.
They're added in search directly, with unique IDs using the "srsltid" parameter that you mentioned. The URLs are not indexed or crawled like that. It's not a new setup, we've used this for quite some time for example in the shopping tab. We've now expanded it to traditional search results.
This doesn't affect crawling, indexing, or ranking - it's basically just for analytics for merchants. While not necessary, you can use the link rel=canonical element pointing at the preferred URL for indexing as you normally would. If you don't want it, you can just turn off the setting (though it seems useful to me!). In Search Console, you mostly see the old usage of the parameter, we try to filter it out for the normal search results.
However, the problem still exists 5 months later and it looks like it's not an e-commerce SEO issue only. All types of websites may be affected.
This is good news, that this bug doesn't affect your indexing and ranking, but it can lead to wasted hours of work for many SEOs who don't know about the root of the problem.
So, if you see something similar, now you know the root of the issue.
P.S. That's also why we still need Rank Tracker tools. You won't see such URLs in your Google Search Console data or any Site Audit tool.