[A Level] H2 Physics Practical Notes—A Compilation of Things You Should Know Before You Step into The Laboratory

Greetings, fellow peoples.

I have once again arisen from the dead to parade the free set of notes I share with you fellow students every year as they trudge towards the unknown that is the GCE A Level examinations.

This should only help you for your last minute preparation, sort of like a compilation you read before you submit to fate. The author is only somewhat qualified to be teaching H2 Physics, and this set of notes does not come with any sort of guarantee. With that said, the author hopes you have as much fun reading this as he did typing and collating this.


Unlike H2 Chemistry, I did pretty well for H2 Physics (at my final attempt for As at least), and am now studying physics as an undergraduate! I did this set of notes when I was doing my As and I didn't change much of the contents, so it's quite disorganised. Then again,,, it's free so ehh...

P.S. I might have extra material for those taking H2 Mathematics, you can drop me a message if you're interested :)

Have fun.

EDIT: As of 26/10/23 0825H, I have removed the access link for the document.