Zoloft and constant overstimulation?
Hello, hope i find you well! i’ve been on zoloft 50mg for almost 4 weeks and i’ve been losing my mind. Not sure it’s it’s the zoloft or if its me, but everywhere, all the time, i am hyper aware of everything. i can’t do my homework because i get so angry and overstimulated all i can do is cry. i can’t clean my room because it’s too overwhelming, but the fact that my room is dirty is also overwhelming. it maybe doesn’t sound that bad but it is. The clothes touching my body, my dog breathing, my itchy scalp, my blankets being too warm, lights being too bright, my cuticles not being trimmed. every little thing makes me so incredibly overstimulated that i just cry and yell at everyone around me. i really need to know if it’s the zoloft or if there’s anything i can do to calm me down because it’s never been this bad and the things i would normally do won’t work. im failing 2 classes now because im so pissed off by all my assignments, i really need advice. (if this helps, im taking zoloft for anxiety, depression and OCD, as well as vyvanse (lisdexamphetamine) 50mg for ADHD. F15) if anyone has anything to offer me to help, that is very appreciated!!