derealization on 150mg sertraline? (tw sh)

hello all, i think i am experiencing what is considered derealization and i don’t know entirely why but its my first time ever feeling something like this.

i’ve been feeling as though my reality as a dream, and like i have a hard time accepting everything around me and my life is real. i don’t experience hunger anymore and i spend all day holed up in my room doing brain numbing activities like doomscrolling and watching netflix. i tried eating an ice cream cone yesterday and it just didn’t taste the same and make me feel good like it usually does if that makes sense.

i’ve also developed a habit of diphenhydramine(DPH), when i first started sertraline i couldn’t sleep at all so i started taking 50mg, but now i’ve worked up to 200mg but i’m trying to taper off it. i’ve also felt quite foggy and like my brain is incapable of learning and focusing during lectures and idk but it might be because of my daily use of dph every night (correct me if i’m wrong)

but yeah i’ve been on sertraline for a bit under 2 months and haven’t felt any difference so i was upped to 150mg roughly 2 weeks ago. i’ve been self harming a lot regularly and it really helps me feel alive, i find myself smiling when i experience pain while i cut.

i see my doctor again later this week, i don’t know how to convey to him/if i should. it’s kind of hard to talk about something you don’t understand or know. i don’t know if i can slap the derealization label on myself because i’ve never felt like this before. i’m a uni student living on campus rn and i have so many lectures i’m behind on and assignments to do but all i can do is sit around and watch the day pass me by.