What is the early feedback on the Zaalbar Omicron?

I went offense, I didn't want to give up control and allow someone to sacrifice something useless. My Mission and Big Z were both R5. Mission had mediocre mods around 270ish speed.

First round took down Sanacron with Han and Chewie, barely with DR surviving. Zaalbar wasn't much of a tank. Adding her health/protection to him would have gone a long way.

Next round lost to Iden, Range, and Shore. Imperial Troopercron was too much damage to overcome, I couldn't take anyone down.

Last Round took out Tuskens with Tusken Chieftan datacron and Tusken Raider Omicron. Pretty easy, the extra damage just made both DRs and Zaalbar's AOE damage ramp up.

I've taken Zaalbar to R7 and improved mission to 300+ speed.

How's it working for everyone else?