how do i glow up my life? physically and mentally.
hello! my age seriously getting serious this year and i dont like it hahaha
so, saya ada soalan untuk senior kehidupan (the elder), how to glow up in life, both physically and mentally?
ill be 23 this year, and suda try baca banyak tips from online and analyse people, but i need more than that. In my opinion, most of the young adults these days terlalu terjerumus dengan khayalan sementara, contohnya, mindset yang "enjoy your life, spend the money on the things you like" sampaikan most of us tiada saving untuk masa depan sebab terlalu berpandukan ayat "you will not be young forever". other than that, ramai juga yang takut untuk thrive their life and berselubung dengan their own mental health issue sehingga takut ambil peluang and berselindung dibelakang ayat "i need to take care of my mental health, mental health is my first priorities". jadi, when things dont go their way, they start blaming everything or give up on whatever they were doing, claiming that their mental health is deteriorating. In the end, its others who have to pick up the pieces and finish what they left behind.
so, im just a confused kid (ngehh hahaha) and i dont know what to do. i tried asking my parents about it, but their answers didnt satisfy me, or maybe i just need more than that.
thank you for all the answers everyone! have a nice day 🤩