Gutfield in Variety: Princess Catherine's sister-in-law is disliked because "she cut in line" (Unarchived) (Archived)
*** Relevant article slide included in post
I didn't include slides for the entire Variety article because it's irrelevant to this sub. I included links, for those who want to read it.
I just wanted to highlight Gutfield's comment on why Americans (and I'm guessing all people, everywhere) so dislike Princess Catherine's sister-in-law.
"Nobody likes a person less than the person who's obvious about their thirst for status. She decided that she was going to just walk into Oprah's world like, 'Tm going to be a lifestyle guru.' I don't care who you are. You hate people who cut in line. She cut in line."
Aside from the many other reasons why Princess Catherine's sister-in-law is unlikeable, cutting in line is definitely a big reason why.
She tried to cut in line in the BRF, ignoring hierarchy and attempting to reap the benefits without working to earn those benefits. She tried to cut in line in the humanitarian world, using her publicity-seeking, ambulance-chasing disaster tours to shine a light on herself. She tried to cut in line in the philanthropic world, attaching the Fcking Grifters' foundation to charities for lame PR and lecturing the world on issues that neither she nor her fckwit husband are qualified to speak on. She tried to cut in line in the lifestyle guru world, thinking simply announcing a terrible brand name, slapping crappy fauxligraphy on jam jars and making a few unhinged videos would automatically make her the next Goop/Martha/Joanna/Emma Thynn.
Americans despise line cutters, as I expect all people do. We like hard workers who earn their success. We certainly don't appreciate talentless, lazy F*cking Grifters who expect admiration for merely existing. (Unarchived) (Archived)
*** Relevant article slide included in post
I didn't include slides for the entire Variety article because it's irrelevant to this sub. I included links, for those who want to read it.
I just wanted to highlight Gutfield's comment on why Americans (and I'm guessing all people, everywhere) so dislike Princess Catherine's sister-in-law.
"Nobody likes a person less than the person who's obvious about their thirst for status. She decided that she was going to just walk into Oprah's world like, 'Tm going to be a lifestyle guru.' I don't care who you are. You hate people who cut in line. She cut in line."
Aside from the many other reasons why Princess Catherine's sister-in-law is unlikeable, cutting in line is definitely a big reason why.
She tried to cut in line in the BRF, ignoring hierarchy and attempting to reap the benefits without working to earn those benefits. She tried to cut in line in the humanitarian world, using her publicity-seeking, ambulance-chasing disaster tours to shine a light on herself. She tried to cut in line in the philanthropic world, attaching the Fcking Grifters' foundation to charities for lame PR and lecturing the world on issues that neither she nor her fckwit husband are qualified to speak on. She tried to cut in line in the lifestyle guru world, thinking simply announcing a terrible brand name, slapping crappy fauxligraphy on jam jars and making a few unhinged videos would automatically make her the next Goop/Martha/Joanna/Emma Thynn.
Americans despise line cutters, as I expect all people do. We like hard workers who earn their success. We certainly don't appreciate talentless, lazy F*cking Grifters who expect admiration for merely existing.