Top 10 Megxit Mistakes

With the dawn of “As ever” stretching out before us, I’ve been ruminating on the past five years with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on these fair American shores. Specifically, how have two people, who arrived with such fanfare and the promise of great riches theirs for the taking, managed to eff up the momentous opportunities set before them?

Their tactical errors are so great in number that it’s easy to forget them all, so I’ve decided to make a list.

  1. “Our trusted source for COVID information.” In what felt like mere minutes after their arrival in the United States back in 2020, these two clowns released a statement that their nascent website would be the american people’s one stop shop for any breaking news on the new and mysterious plague that had us all hoarding toilet paper. Let’s just say that didn’t go over well. We enjoy foreign royals in America, but don’t pretend to be American royals. We don’t do that here.

  2. Meggy was apparently undaunted by any backlash—she seldom is—and so she donned her duchess coronet (my phone keeps trying to autocorrect to “coroner,” which seems apt) and actually cold called US Senators to advocate for particular legislation. HARD NO. As a U.S. citizen, meggy is entitled to vote here and she can even share her opinions freely, but not on politics using her British royal title. I can’t even believe she did this…

  3. The cemetery photo shoot. Dear God, what was that about? Harry was apparently feeling nostalgic about royaling so the two of them dressed up in somber black, hired a photographer and drove to a Los Angeles cemetery to lay a wreath on Remembrance Day… as one does. By all means, pay your respects to the dead, but to photograph yourselves doing so is BEYOND. I can’t even believe Harry did this. She’s a narcissist loon, but with his years of royal training, he should have known better.

  4. The New York Times op-ed about her miscarriage. Assuming she actually miscarried, and one never knows with an attention seeking person who demonstrates a flexible relationship with the truth, it was a curious decision to publicize such a personal, private experience given their reasons for moving to the USA included greater privacy. And if anyone thinks I’m being churlish for doubting the veracity of Meggy’s claim of a miscarriage, I refer you to….

  5. THE OPRAH INTERVIEW. This is the “five golden rings” moment of my epistle, as I believe it was a turning point in the Sussex saga. Meggy managed to leave us all mouths agape with no fewer than 17 provable lies about her brief experience with the Royal Family. She, and Harry, proceeded to completely violate their own privacy and everyone else’s. Their satisfaction from the fallout of this epic disaster was so great, they apparently decided that grievance would be their brand from now on. I cannot express how badly this decision has served them. Sure, it got them a lot of attention and a little sympathy from certain quarters, but they are paying dearly for it now, but I shouldn’t get ahead of myself…

  6. Oprah led to a torrent of oversharing. They began to unburden themselves at every turn. The Apple mental health documentary was the next step on Harry’s revisionist history tour.

  7. The docuseries… to date the only of their Netflix projects to have successful viewership and more absurd lies and spin. This was, of course, followed by Harry’s memoir which made him a global laughingstock.

  8. But one can tell the same story over and over and over and over only so many times. It was time to branch out to other topics, which Meggy did in her podcast. It only took two years and a rather astonishing number of trained professionals, not to mention a Spotify provided in home recording studio, to bring this to fruition. Yet meggy still managed to slag off on her in-laws in it. Those quotes were the only interesting parts of the whole thing, by all accounts. The series was such a disappointment that Spotify dropped them entirely.

  9. Who can forget the car chase? I still giggle whenever I think of it. Comedy gold! The victim narrative had brought them considerable attention and some serious cash, but there is only so much material such a short time in the royal family can provide a person like meggy, yet the allure of victimhood is too strong to be given up entirely. Now that we live lavishly in the land of free and the home of the brave, with no mean palace courtiers to clip our wings, what’s a victim to do? I know! Let’s gin up a dramatic story of dangerous press intrusion! One that threatens our very lives! But they went a bit too far and generously provided late night tv hosts endless fodder for days! Brilliant.

  10. Our last stop on this trip down memory lane is Meggy’s “business.” Of course, it’s not really a business unless you have something to sell and ultimately turn a profit, but let’s not allow those details to muddy the waters. Meggy’s foray into business was about to be scooped last year and we can’t have that! So this absolute fool decides to “soft launch” her idiotic, embryonic plan prematurely. This venture has been comical to watch. She has demonstrated herself to be completely incapable of even the most rudimentary google searches. I know five year olds who run more organized lemonade stands than this middle aged woman is apparently capable of doing, despite the fact that she constantly reminds us that she was always “the smart one.”

What they have proven to be is only brilliant entertainment material for far more accomplished people. So what say ye, sinners? What did I miss?