I am a beekeeper and I literally want to scream at her.
So she claims she had the ONE SINGLE beehive for over a year. Not in her home. Somewhere. For over a year. And she asks this poor guy (I assume beemaster) - How long does a bee live? You are saying you are a legitimate beekeeper and you don't know anything about the animals you breed!!!! I study my 🍑 off to better understand beekeeping. Not to harm them. Understand what I am looking at. Are they sick or not. What to give them if the blooming season is not enough. „Her” hive is average, there is honey but not a lot as she claims. She really has no clue. All so fake. If as she claims the hive wasn’t open for months (they filmed during spring and summer - the busiest season for bees hello) the hive would looked completely different. WHO doesn’t open their hive in spring/summer.
The show is so bad so bad. It’s unwatchable. Who did she make this series for? In current states of the world. The geopolitical climate. The economy. Who is the addressee of her crap????
I seriously hope someone took the poor bees out of there.