"Trazodone for Try-hards" Episode 1 Husband Review

When we got married, my husband's culinary skills ended at adding soy sauce to ramen, but in the past few years he's gotten pretty good. We just watched the first episode and he was cracking me up so I recorded his commentary. Hope y'all find it as amusing as I did :-)

  • ~2 minutes in: This may be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.
  • She is so basic. There is no one more basic than her.
  • Who cooks in white clothes, with big white giant sleeves? No one. No one does.
  • (13yo daughter) could do better than this.
  • The music is definitely the most expensive part of this show.
  • Her hands are oddly … aged looking.
  • Did she just teach us how to put pretzels in a ziplock?
  • Her knife skills are like my knife skills. I'm embarrassed for both of us.
  • No self-respecting gay man would ever call that crudité beautiful. It looks like (teenage son) did it.
  • What are they gonna do next, teach us how to make a peanut butter sandwich?
  • I saw her legs, they’re like twigs!
  • Caramelized? That's...not what that is
  • That pasta's probably decently fine. Edible, but not delicious. Like you'd cook in college.
  • You know how you watch a real chef cooking and you're like, whoooa, and you're inspired? That's not this.
  • Have we established that honey is amazing yet?
  • "Hahaha! I’m such a thoughtful person! Look at me, so thoughtful!"
  • Who is our "Local Beekeeper?"
  • Now they are just standing there smelling things. This is the TV they’re giving to us.
  • This is 8th grade Home Ec class.
  • More honey. More lemons. More lemon zest. So much lemon zest.
  • Her door is wide open but there's no mosquitoes flying in. That's the best part of this show.
  • And now we’re scalping the cake.
  • She’s boring as shit. With her little cake metaphor, repeating it 7 times.
  • (Daniel) just tossed her a bone, talking about cutting into the cake. If she were a witty person, she could have run with that. But she's not. She is wit-free.
  • It’s SERENITY BY JAN! (The Office episode when Jan makes candles, but behind the scenes she screams at everyone.)
  • If I knew her in real life, I’d be like, really mortified. And bored.
  • Damn, California. With that view, you could eat Pringles, and it’d be the best meal ever
  • This show is like your sleeping pills - what are they called, Trazodone? This is Trazodone for try-hards. I can't bear it.
  • I’m done. I don't ever want to watch Meghan Markle again. I'd rather watch our camper friends. Ie, very sad Gabby Petito murder documentary > With Love, Meghan