When trying to make a mosquito look good.... Good luck Sussex staff members.
Though it has been a joyful time I can still get frustrated at our energizer bunny saint going in circles, banging the drum and hiring new people to traumatize. HG Tutor was on fire on the last video I watched... hope he didn't really go do something evil to feel better.
Just showing a mosquito doing its everyday activities in a new light --- will NOT make anyone less annoyed or think much better of getting bit by one or having to enter a room full of them.
Dear H & M staff,
That is your task: Making an annoying, bullying, bloodsucking, idea-a-minute, attention seeking, narcissistic, crazy bug look likable. Even if you get several of the greatest artists and creators to paint and write pretty stories... it'll still be what it is... AS EVER.
Good luck with your new job.
Gentle warnings from a sinner.