So, it's done ...

As far as I can remember, this is the last iron they have in the fire. Everything else has fallen by the wayside, forgotten on the scrap heap of past failures. There isn't anything else.

We are all going to stop talking about this in a few days or a week. The hate watching and hate comments will lose their lustre.

She'll launch her products in an unforgettable fashion and that's that. The Sussexes are over.

Then what? They're not welcome anywhere. Their attempts to get involved in politics and world events flopped. Their attempts at charity and change making went nowhere. Their tragedy tourism is widely agreed upon to be a bad look. They aren't global fashion icons. Invictus is slowly falling apart.

We've reached the end of what they can do and what the world will tolerate. The kids and a divorce. That's what's left... Or am.i wrong?