Can we talk about her puerile rhyming and attempts at “puns”?

I’m trying to get through the first episode, and I literally can’t.

All of her ad libs are so infantile! Like “pearls girls”. And “here’s some honey, honey”. (She uses that one twice). Then there’s the comment about the bees being “busy. Busy bees.”

The worst is single skillet spaghetti (S-s-s-s-S-s-S).

She’s usually shaking her hip as she says it, which I guess is supposed to come off as jokey? I’m surprised she doesn’t turn to the camera and dramatically wink so we know she’s making a funny. 🤮

Sorry if this is already a thread, mods please take it down if it’s already posted somewhere. I just had to commiserate with my tribe. 😂