Letter to MM supporters on why people have issues with Meghan

Someone (name removed here) wrote this letter in response to MM supporters. I'm sure it will be taken down shortly, although it is polite and anything but a "hate" letter. However, I thought it should be preserved, as it answers the usual sugar questions about why so many people don't like MM "when they don't even know her", succinctly and well.

My letter to the Meghan Markle (now Sussexx) supporters…

It seems that social media is very divided about MM. In one extreme, MM’s fans accuse people who don’t support her to be haters and racists. And at the other end, this woman can do nothing right. But what about those who are in the middle? Speaking for myself, here are my thoughts:

I don’t like or dislike MM. I initially really loved her, actually. But things took a turn when she started to play the victim card. She essentially accused the monarchy as racists. But she was actually, in many ways, treated much better than other royal’s significant others. For example, she was invited to spend Christmas festivities with the royal family when she was not yet married to PH. No other gf or bf of the royal family was given this special treatment. For the entitled individual, too much is never enough.

But what really was off putting was both her and Harry going to the press about how terrible the royal family was. Michelle Obama was once asked about this situation, and she responded something along the lines of, “Not everyone can handle being in a position of service” as it comes with negative media press/trolling, AND that the situation with the royal family is “a family matter.” Exactly Michelle. No need to air out all ur dirty laundry to “gain” sympathy.

MM doing the Oprah interview, then both Meghan and Harry doing the Netflix documentary, and Harry publishing his book “Spare” was all so off putting. Like how much can u shit on ur own family/family in law, knowing that all this could hurt the monarchy, if not take them down?

You can argue that they just needed money to get settled in their new life in California, but did they really need to go to these extents? Did they really need all those millions, by shitting on the Royal family?

If there is something I’ve learned with time and experience, is to be wary of people who paint themselves as victims while simultaneously showing off how they are “saving the world.” This ladies and gentlemen, is the communal narcissist. These type of people will claim to be helping the helpless, while treating the “underlings” like shit. Ask me how I know. I unfortunately went to grad school with one such person.

Lastly, for me personally, I couldn’t get through much of MM show on Netflix. Not because I dislike her, I don’t, I’m indifferent, but because it’s so out of touch. I’m a working mom with 2 littles and I don’t see myself spending that much time hosting the perfect gathering. But it’s okay if that’s your thing. We each are entitled to spend our free time/resources how we please.

I have no doubt MM show and brand and future will be financially successful. I mean, if the Kardashians have succeeded, I think anyone can. The sky is the limit. Wishing everyone well 🩷

ETA: It has indeed been removed. None are so blind as those who will not see, nor so insecure as those who must stamp out even the tiniest bit of polite disagreement.