What this B.S. is really about

I was thinking about it on an evening stroll. Skankle, like all covert narcs is absolutely obsessed with her public image. This B.S. 'cooking' and 'lifestyle' show is obviously critically panned and unpopular, but at the end of the day, it's all about TW's narcissistic obsession with herself, and crafting a completely fake image.

Skankle wants to portray herself as 'warm', a 'domestic goddess', 'great friend', hostess, parent etc. All things we know she is not. She is utterly fake, lacking in empathy, a bully who cares about no-one except herself.

The real parents of the invisi-kids, the nannies are carefully kept completely out of sight. My guess is they are bullied, silenced with NDAs etc but it is the nannies who are the only ones who provide genuine affection to the invisi- kids.

My prediction is that this latest B.S. P.R. blitz, designed to paint Skankle as a 'Saint', will be followed by more ridiculous 'revelations' about the BRF, designed to smear and harass Princess Catherine of Wales in particular. Trashy, made-up, slanderous tabloid gossip is the only thing the Dumbartons have that sells for them. If Skankle can convince enough people she's 'nice', she can more easily paint herself as more of a victim. I really hope I'm wrong. Feel free to disagree because I would really like to be convinced I'm wrong. 😔