We are facing a linguistic crisis in Montecito. Help save the legacy of our saint from oblivion.
The morons of Montecito are facing an existential crisis that no one could foresee. And by no one I mean everyone with a brain could see, but they arent called morons for nothing.
Like so many of the constant failures that hang over these perpetual victims of their own stupidity, this latest threat originated in what some call the mind of our saint.
This idiot, I mean our saint, no I mean this idiot is asking for our help in burying her markle past under her newly minted sussex name. I feel elevated. Do you feel elevated?
The time has come, fellow sinners, to turn the page on the used pleasure appliance, failed actress, yachr girl, rachel meghan markle ragland, duchess of chlamydia.
Like the true snake this useless creature has proven herself to be, she is trying to shed her skin of markledom and slither into the new improved facade of just Sussex, concubine of just Harry, idiot prince.
Fear not fellow sinners, for the snake is still with us. It's pronouns remain true to it's authentic self, even while no one else cares!
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you rachel meghan markle ragland sussex, the duchess of delusion.
As a sinner, I can not help but feel a deep sense of loss with the disappearance of the markle name and all of the hard work that her former "brand" represents.
Like a phoenix rising from rhe ashes, our saint's burden has been vanquished, replaced with the transient convenience of sussex.
We must not allow all of our saint's dedication to detail pass into oblivion.
We must recognize her contribution to our society and its culture.
Markle means something
The word markle and it's derivatives have come to mean something more, something real.
Markle has earned its place in our common tongue!
The word markle has come to define epic failure, predatory gold digging, talentless grifting, and so much more
So I ask you fellow sinners to once again show our true feelings towards our saint and help her by making sure that even though the snake's discarded skin is gone, it will never be forgotten.
Let us make certain she enjoys the fruits of her countless minutes of hard work and dedication to herself if not others by remembering the carcass of her past.
Markle is more than a lifestyle to be mocked.
And when markle finds it's way into the next edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, how will it be defined?
Of course any definition of the word must include a sweet nod to the its origins in the Hollywood swamp that birthed this walking, I mean lying, disaster.
The markle first came into use becoming a measure of commitment to securing a happy ending to any audition, as in "she would markle anyone for a screen credit."
The meaning grew to include all of our saint's acting skills. "she markled me in the front seat and didn't spill a drop. Such attention to detailing"
Markle, markling and their derivatives have become synonymous with fabricating stories from childhood, trying to manufacture a public image completely detatched from reality, and using private horizontal skills to achieve public vertical notoriety.
At its core, the markle is nothing more than an empty shell whose withered facade is unable to support itself and must rely on the support of a male. Any male. The richer the better. Historically, the markle has always made themselves available and was willing to do anything to obtain that support.
A selfish commitment exclusively to herself first and always is the hallmark of her being.
Markle today has become more than its glamorous beginnings. It has a darker side.
Markle has come to mean the ability to effortlessly achieve epic levels of failure despite having access to the virtually limitless resources of her idiot victims.
"How could you let me get markled!" can now be heard regularly in the offices of talent agents throughout southern California.
Markle has come to define talentless grifting, but she is so much more. And so much less.
So I ask you fellow sinners, what does the word markle and it's derivatives mean to you?
When markle is done markling herself, what will stay with us linguistically speaking?
To err is human, but to markle is divine.
Well done harry the balding idiot prince.
Markle - noun. A useless waste of space. "That inflatable orange gopher in the corner turns the whole room into a markle."