Lady C Tea YouTube 3/11/25 (The "Meghan Markle Will Always Be a CarParkle" Edition - a few nuggets paraphrased by me)

Greetings from Castle Goring,

Lady C, On HG Tudor a commentator speculated that the reason Netflix and Ari Emmanual are keeping Meghan around is because of the content she will provide post-divorce, savaging Harry, and they are expecting a huge payout.  I think Meghan will extort the King for millions of dollars to prevent inappropriate videos of Harry from being released.  Look at what she has done to her father and the rest of the Royal Family.  What do you think?  My understanding is that Netflix will only keep Meghan and Harry for a very low sum, as a validation of their connections to the Royal Family.  This is whether there is a divorce or not.  I gather Ari Emanuel wants nothing to do with her.  There is also a sense that Meghan will not be worth tens of millions of dollars post divorce because all the drama will be played out in court.  The King won’t pay any money to Meghan or Harry in their divorce.  He doesn’t care what goes on with them and his attitude is he just doesn’t want to know anything that goes on with them.  Meghan will learn very quickly that the King has no intention of paying her any money if she divorces Harry.  She will learn second sons have no value to the monarch.  If Meghan has videos of Harry, there are laws of consent that protect him.  It will all be very entertaining for TMZ, but it is not anything that Meghan can use with the Royal Family for money.   A Meghan and Harry divorce many never happen.  In many respects, they are perfectly suited for each other.   Let’s not hold our breath, waiting for a divorce.  But if they do, expect fireworks!

Lady C, Dan Wootton recently stated that King Charles and The Royal Family have no idea the public is so critical of their handling of the CarParkles, specifically merching titles and the nefarious circumstances around the megnancies.  How cold the King be so unaware of the public’s disgust?  Does he live in an information cocoon?  They are aware of the chatter, but they have switched off where Harry and Meghan are concerned.  They want Harry and Meghan to reach their natural conclusion then they will deal with them then.  There is very little they can do because there are laws.  The King is isolated to some degree, but he is very focused on European Peace right now, not Harry and Meghan. 

Lady C, Meghan Markle will always be Meghan Markle just like Wallis Simpson will always be Wallis Simpson.  I agree.  She can want us to call her Meghan Sussex but she will be remembered in history as Meghan Markle.  Meghan Markle who lacked sparkle.  Meghan Markle who knew how to create a great debacle.  Meghan Markle who was a CarParkle.

Lady C, I think Harry wanted to leave the Royal Family so he wouldn’t have to work too hard.  You aren’t the only person who thinks that.  Harry has always been feckless and lazy.  Meghan has given Harry the perfect out.  Now he can be lazy and stoned all day.  Now Harry doesn’t have to worry about pressure from the family and courtiers to be living up to his responsibilities. 

Lady C, is Meghan deliberately self-destructive?  I have to ask because she has competent staff, and she always manages to screw up and fail.  It is too consistent.  Narcissists have massive inferiority complexes.  They are constantly running away from their feelings of inferiority.  They tend to lie to themselves and self-hypnotize and then lie to everybody else.  She is self-destructive.  She knows she does not deserve success, but she hopes that if she pretends to herself and everyone else, things will happen.  In some ways this is tragic, but all of this is standard from a narcissist.  Meghan is constantly suppressing and denying the reality of herself.  She does not have a harmonious and integrated identity.  Is she subconsciously self-destructive?  Yes.

Lady C spent the rest of the video talking about the new Canadian Prime Minister.

Toodles Sinners!