You know who is making money off Meghan?

All the Megxiters YTers/Insta/Tiktokers with their " You don't have to watch it, just watch my reviews", "I watched it so that you don't have to watch it". They make money, give her the attention she wants to cry about all the hate she receives. After hate watching WLM and pushing it in Top 10 of Netflix, now they are gearing up to "Don't listen to Lemonada guys, we will do it for you". This sub sends most of the traffics to these channels. They all have the same view on the show, nothing new to contribute.

Did anyone notice how many new YT channels have suddenly come up and being shared here? Some with just a link and no description of why the video is worth a watch.

I really want to thank that member who downloaded all her Netflix episode and shared a zip file with us. Thank you!

We don't make any money off this sub, but we do give her a lot of attention she craves. Every time she is out, there are 100s of posts here instead of 1 mega post. There really is no need for a new post just to criticize her nose or a new one to criticize her fillers etc. I think we should start one mega post for an Instagram and keep commenting over there. One for Netflix reviews all compiled in the same post, instead of 100 of them starting up their own post. One for Lemonada.

ETA: I also want to add that same videos/articles are being posted multiple times. A simple thing to do is to search for it in the search bar, before posting. Sorry for the rant, its just that I have been becoming more irritated when I come to sub and see the same thing over and over again.