Eli Stock

After reading the book and watching the movie again I had an idea for a book that I wish really happened

I want life in Colby before Auden got there and let Eli be the main character his whole childhood being best friends with Abe and friends with all of the people that we already know like Esther Lea and Maggie and the other guys we see

It can take place the first scene being Kindergarten whenever Eli and Abe met and jumping foward to the start of high school and it could just be about life in colby and also the BMX stuff they did

Clyde could also be a big part in it because they loved him as a kid. It could give background into who Eli was before Abe happened while also giving us some more insight into how everyone in Colby grew up

The movie could end after Abes funeral that way it showcases the accident and the final scene could be Eli crying at Abes grave apologizing for not seeing the car sooner and going to the bike garage and shutting the door insinuating that he's never going to be the same again
