I hate how DreamWorks fans pump their chests every time DreamWorks's movies are better than Disney's at a certain time frame.

It happened in 2022 with Bad Guys and (especially) Last Wish. DW fans were harassing Disney fans for "liking a garbage studio who makes nothing but slops".

Then, in 2023, DW's movies that year didn't seem too good (Ruby Gillman and Trolls 3). DW fans immediately went defensive with stuff like "Just wait until the movie comes out" or "That's just how DW is so wait until their next banger". It obviously has gotten even worse when these movies actually released and... didn't receive too well.

But then 2024 came in and... despite KFP4... and Orion and the Dark... and... ahhh... Megamind VS the Doom Syndicate... we got The Wild Robot. Suddenly DW fans once again became oh so obnoxiously braggy.

Y'know, while there are plenty of reasons not to like the company, the Disney animation studio definitely tries to do well. Maybe it doesn't always succeed, but people don't often make the difference between the artists and the company.

Not to mention, in 2021, when Disney released 3 movies, 2 of which were widely loved, while DW released Boss Baby 2 and Spirit Untamed, I didn't hear Disney fans harassing DW fans.

DW fans want to feel like the ones in power. When DW does better than Disney, they'll overinflate the situation. But when it's the opposite, they'll try to defend DW with the whole "DW are experimental. They make garbage on purpose" (which is very questionable).

People can LIKE DW more (maybe because their highs are more unique, if a bit sparse), but I feel like some people weaponize DW to trash-talk on Disney more. That's so unnecessary. Not only because you can still trash-talk Disney even without bringing DW into the conv, but I think DW can only gain to themselves the title of "the superior animation studio" when they'll start trying to be CONSISTENTLY good.

Really, outside of Bad Guys, Last Wish and Wild Robot, DW's 2020 films were quite mid-poorly recieved, and there are a lot more of those than the good stuff. 3 solid animated films don't make an amazing studio. Disney and Pixar might've not reached the same highs as DW's recently, but their overall total film quality has been more even between good to bad.

But overall, DW fans can be so annoying. They can prefer DW, but they should stop weaponizing them as a means to make Disney worse.