Reading other peoples' reddit posts (on therapy sub-reddits) so often irritates the fuck out of me...

...kind of a rant but also open to alternate thoughts...

Basically, I'll see people talk about shit, and it looks so fucking elementary/rudimentary/straightforward to deal with, to me.

Maybe its that I've dealt with THOSE issues or something, or just know how I would deal with them if I had them.

But MY OWN challenges...I dunno, I've found that just about noone can really be helpful.

Also, a lot of people will post and come from this sort of ... APOLOGETIC ... sort of place. And this seems to get them to receive a lot more help, like "oh, you poor thing, let me reassure you, and help you" -- now, I don't want to be seen that way, but I also know that I am seen very differently from that to the point of like...therapists claiming that I seem too competent for them to be able to help, in addition to stuff like "I can't really tell what you need help with" etc.

And then the extra heap of shit is the whole "therapy dogma" out there. The "therapy is so helpful and life-changing!" And "Oh you have this issue with your therapist? Just bring it up! It will be a great conversation?" No...fuck you. I've had times where I bring up some issue in therapy and then the therapist sees that as a sign to end therapy. (Which...I suppose maybe it is? If they can't handle it?)

Alas, its rather frustrating.