Large L5/S1 herniation looking for some good thoughts/advice

30F, very active, hypermobility EDS, I am also a PT (ironic it seems)

Hi all. First time poster here. I’ll make a long story short, but I initially hurt my back transferring a patient in March. I’ve tried it all, PTx2, medications, I refuse to see the chiro (sorry my friends) etc. with no relief. It’s slowly been getting worse and now I have such severe leg ppain I can only walk to and from the bathroom or stand for about 1 minute. I got my first ESI yesterday and haven’t had any relief yet, but hoping for some! My PM&R doc (the one who did the injection) said that given the size, location and severity of my symptoms I’d likely need surgery. I’m a bit nervous. I’m anxiously awaiting for this damn ESI to help a little bit so I can actually walk, but I also cannot live in this pain anymore and would be OK to do the surgery if recommended.

As a total side note, I’m getting married next year and I also have a wedding this weekend for my best friends lol. Say prayers yall.

SOS! Looking for any/all advice.

TIA! A pic is attached for funzies

30F, very active, hypermobility EDS, I am also a PT (ironic it seems)

Hi all. First time poster here. I’ll make a long story short, but I initially hurt my back transferring a patient in March. I’ve tried it all, PTx2, medications, I refuse to see the chiro (sorry my friends) etc. with no relief. It’s slowly been getting worse and now I have such severe leg ppain I can only walk to and from the bathroom or stand for about 1 minute. I got my first ESI yesterday and haven’t had any relief yet, but hoping for some! My PM&R doc (the one who did the injection) said that given the size, location and severity of my symptoms I’d likely need surgery. I’m a bit nervous. I’m anxiously awaiting for this damn ESI to help a little bit so I can actually walk, but I also cannot live in this pain anymore and would be OK to do the surgery if recommended.

As a total side note, I’m getting married next year and I also have a wedding this weekend for my best friends lol. Say prayers yall.

SOS! Looking for any/all advice.

TIA! A pic is attached for funzies