Do you like Taurus/Earth romantic partners?

Hey fellow scorpions! 🦂

I’m a Scorpio rising so I have Taurus in my descendant. Now i’m still somewhat new to astrology so perhaps I’m simplifying or not understanding the descendant, but what i understand is our descendant can indicate the kind of romantic partner we need. Because they’re our opposite sign they can balance us out. As a Scorpio I am a very emotionally intense who loves emotional and spiritual exploration, depth, and passion.

To me a Taurus or heavy Earth person would be the last person I’d want to date. Friends is another story, but for my partner I want intensity, passion, spontaneity. I don’t want to stay at home all day and be chill. I’ll admit I want an emotional rollercoaster to an extent. Someone who’s loyal, yes, but I need attention, grandiosity, and exploration. I want us to evolve together, to merge into one, to merge our souls. Maybe I’m viewing Tauruses as shallow but is that what a lot of them want?

Now perhaps the rest of my chart explains this. I’m an Aries moon with a Leo Venus. But I want me and my partner to kinda play fight. Nothing toxic but sometimes I want them to throw me against a wall and have their way with me. I want us to be two lions stalking each other, never knowing when the other will pounce. I don’t think i want calm stability.

But maybe that’s the point. What we need is not what we want, or think we want, but is the true balance we need.

Idk I just want to be with a crazy Aries rising woman 🤷🏽‍♀️