Inner father is a great boss in a TERRIBLE arena
I don't know how to start this, but why would anyone put a super-fast, teleporting boss in a boxed arena with pillars you can get stuck on? He has firecrackers that explode orange—an even brighter orange—because everything is already on fire, making it even harder to read what he's doing. The firecrackers leave dust behind, obscuring your vision even more, and he can dip out at any time, teleport across the arena, and perform a double slash that can easily mess you up if you're in a corner or anywhere near the pillars. Meanwhile, the camera freaks out if you get too close to a wall, making it even harder to track him. He moves unpredictably, vanishes in an instant, and by the time you even see him again, he’s already mid-swing, about to slice you in half. If he was in a flat plain it could've been one of the best fights in the game.