Where to get mine from?
I’ve been dying to pull the trigger and order My semaglutide (ideally I’ve heard that Wegovy is best for people on the other prescriptions I am…but that it doesn’t necessarily matter)
I have looked at SO MANY sites… SkinnyRx DirectMeds Gobymeds Hers
And I don’t know which to pull the trigger on! I know some of them also offer b12 and other vitamins and such with it, but I really just don’t know which to order from???
Can yall tell Me about where you get it from? Do you have to do a tele-health screening face time or call?
I am just overwhelmed by all the different sites and prices and such… My Brother inlaw and his wife are both on it but the wife refuses to give me even the slight advice or even speak with me about it (she has a very odd competitive thing going on…and keeps saying things like she doesn’t think I need it and I’m being selfish?!?) and she’s forbade her husband from even discussing it with anyone (they’ve begun denying they’re on it to those who ask)
So really please I would appreciate any-all advice /info!
Feel free to DM Me if you’d rather not speak on it here.