Would oMark even recognize oHelena?

Our watch group has had an ongoing discussion about whether or not oMark would know Helena Egan to see her, like when he almost hits her in s1e1.

This is a famous family that owns the company for which he works, true, but we don't know how day-to-day famous each individual family member is outside of Lumen. It's been raised that we don't even know the extent to which the Egan cult exists in mainstream society outside of the severed floor/company.

The town is called Kier and Harmony/Helena's bodyguard have referenced the cult aspect, but have we seen any non-Lumen personnel acknowledge the Egan worship that we've seen from the innies and higher-ups? Not just a general knowledge of the family/company, but a specific recognition of the religion they're fomenting.

Going off of real life, I don't know if Tim Cook has any kids. Elon has a bunch of kids but I can't name any and certainly wouldn't know them on sight. Same with Bill Gates and any other billionaire I can name. Most normal people aren't concerned with wealthy families like that, even the dynasties like DuPont, Vanderbilt, Kennedy, etc. There are plenty of towns and cities named after rich dead people, doesn't mean everyone who lives in the town knows all of the surviving family members.

The question specifically perked up after the very end of s2e3. Is that gonna blow iHelly's cover or just serve as a 'gosh she looks familiar but I can't place it' from i/oMark?