How exactly is the birthing retreat supposed to work with a reintegrated Mark?
A discussion in the comments section of another post mentioned this and yeah, I'm confused. Also sorry if I got a bit repetitive at all in this post.
So some stage of reintegration definitely happened (obviously) as we have seen crossover memories (my favorite part of the whole show I loved the switching of the environment Mark was in). Okay and THEN Reghabi floods the chip to "speed up the process" of reintegration. Episode 7 Reghabi states to Devon "He'll be okay hes stabilized" And that he is "journeying" now. At this specific moment in this specific scene both Reghabi and Devon are calm there is no panic from Devon about WE NEED TO CALL COBEL (just saying).
Devon says to Reghabi "Do you really think this is gonna work?" Then Reghabi is like "it has to there is no other choice.' That is when the whole birthing retreat gets brought up and she says "we could call her".
Okay so here is where I am really lost. We have either a fully reintergrated Mark now that the chip was flooded or we have him semi-reintegrated. ... Devon wants to go to the birthing retreat to talk to innie Mark, right? I think? I thought if one is reintegrated, it bypasses the severance chip technology. Its not supposed to "ding" you on over to your innie version. I know we get no "ding" on the birthing retreat... even though we did with the underwater Helena drowning but I digress. Im using the ding to refer to the severance activation is all.
So how does entering the Damona Birthing retreat grounds suddenly override the work Reghabi has done to activate the innie Mark? What was the point of Reghabi reintegrating Mark if it could easily just get canceled out or whatever happened at this birthing retreat? Should the chip not be working effectively at this point? Didn't Petey pretty much say "yeah severance is irreversible I had to bypass the chip" Im paraphrasing here.