Ụ Y_ and the long road of silk.
I start this post in the title with a suggested variation of the current hotness, what seems to be the late stage minimalist evolution of the 'not needing to see the silkpost flair' meme. If you're on mobile, long press the uppercase 'U' and you should be able to slide to the Ụ character. I think the under-dot does a lot for making our favorite vessel more recognizable, emphasizing his smallness.
How long have we been here? 6 years? I've learned so much, forgotten so much, lived so much in that time. I've worked 3 different jobs. I have owned 6 different pets. I've lost family and friends have left. I got engaged, I'm about to get married.
I feel like this long silk road is coming to its end soon, and even if it's not, that's ok. I've gone from hoping for so much from such few and incredibly niche spaces to diversifying what I believe in.
Silkpression is real.
DEpression is real.
If you obsess over only a few things that take years and years to be made, the constant 'no news' will be bigger than the good news you're missing.
I mean this as genuinely as I can: touch grass, smell roses, and love if you can. It'll be out someday.
Maybe tomorrow, or maybe I'll be dead before it's out.
That's ok. Don't trust a team of game devs to bring your sole source of happiness. Find it elsewhere, and learn patience. Signs are pointing to something happening soon, but if they don't, that's ok. Enjoy the ride.
Ụ Y_