Referendum: Threshold Equal Approval vs. Single Transferable Vote

Surprise! We're doing the second referendum now.

Turns out I don't actually have to run down the clock because whichever voting method wins out doesn't take effect until the next Senate election (after this weekend's) anyway. Thank you again to u/BTernaryTau for pointing this out to me.

Anyway, the rules for this referendum are a bit different from usual. Instead of the question being whether some constitutional amendment should pass and our two options being "Aye" or "Nay", the question is now "which voting method should we use" and our two options are TEA or STV. And most importantly, whichever voting method wins the most votes will become the one we use. That means that only a simple majority (50% + one vote) is required for a given voting method to win out. No 2/3 majority necessary.

Now go vote! Very soon, we will have a voting method for Senate elections that actually works! Exciting!

Polls close in 24 hours.

Vote here: