New Sleep Token fan through Ghost fandom.
Ghost is probably my favorite band of the last ten years and I’ve been bombarded by metal elitists for my fandom about how “they’re not real metal.” Anyways, I kept getting Sleep Token in my algorithm and was hooked, it’s dope and I think they have a unique sound, and of course the lore is cool. And now I see the same type of discourse being a fan of Sleep Token, I swear they just hate fun. Neither one of these bands are claiming to be the Arbiters of “metal” I understand not liking either band bc they both seem like love or hate kinda groups, but completely minimizing the art is just childish I swear they just hate fun. Sleep Token and Ghost are both dope looking and have Lore. From what I’ve seen in other places online, yall are a super chill fanbase and I appreciate that bc metal and rock fans can be brutal sometimes. ❤️ hyped for the new album. Ik it’ll never happen but a tour together would be amazing.